EP33 - EVERYTHING PUPPY PLAY - Also is Kris a puppy?
It only took us 30 or so episodes to specifically talk about puppy play. Enjoy this tail wagging episode as we dive into your questions about puppy play and talk about how Amp even sniffed his way into the community.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/WattsTheSafeword
SAFEWORD MERCH: safewordshop.com
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Instagrams: https://instagram.com/PupAmp/ https://instagram.com/mrkristoferweston/ https://instagram.com/wattsthesafeword
Facebook: http://ow.ly/Z5nvM
Opening by the magical Aethernaut https://aethernaut.bandcamp.com
Music by Joakim Karud http://youtube.com/joakimkarud