Farting out Skittles While Answering Your Questions

Farting out Skittles While Answering Your Questions

Vetting potential partners, exploring the phenomenon of going viral due to eating Skittles, and pondering the enduring relevance of old guard leather culture. In this special Q and A segment, we delve into the intriguing questions posed by our Patreon supporters.

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From pondering "did I turn off the oven" to fretting over "did I turn off my sexy camera after stream," today's podcast is filled with haunting thoughts of the kinky kind. These are the nocturnal disturbances that plague our minds as night falls, and we trust they don't induce too much terror in you!

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Daddy has a new Dom and Kink Down South Weekend

Daddy has a new Dom and Kink Down South Weekend

From Manchester Rubber Pride to Kink Down South Weekend! This back-to-back lineup of events promises double the fun and shenanigans. Join in to witness the dynamic between Daddy and his new Sir, BOSS, and see how they navigate their relationship within the exciting backdrop of these events. Also Amp is there to keep the facts straight~!

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Our Editor Spills the Watts Tea

Our Editor Spills the Watts Tea

From editing our mistakes out to making us look funny! Did you know we have an editor who helps get our YouTube videos together? Sampson, or as some might know MNDFCUK as they go online in hypno spaces, is said person! Today we ask him all your burning questions about making content, porn, even the major parts of editing Watts The Safeword!

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A GIRTHY Review of Our Haunted IML Hotel room - International Mr Leather

A GIRTHY Review of Our Haunted IML Hotel room - International Mr Leather

IML, or International Mr Leather is the international leather contest and event of all events! It's said to be the example of what all leather weekends should strive for, but it may be going through some growing pains. We're seasoned attendees so while the event is still a lot of fun and we had a great time, some constructive conversation is meant as feedback. We want IML to grow and continue to be better and better for our amazing community. We had some feedback this year! Join us as we recap our IML weekend, including the pros, cons and silly times.

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Asexual, Poly and Why We Aren’t Cheating w-Evie Lupine

Asexual, Poly and Why We Aren’t Cheating w-Evie Lupine

Now we've been to every kink even under the sun, but never have we been given an interview to decompress and ask the hard hitting questions with the owners of said events. With Darklands is officially turning 15, and to celebrate we have an exclusive interview with their head honcho and the guy who calls the shots, Jeroen. From "drama" to optics to hey how do you build a sex maze and stage for contests and a vendor hall all at the same time. What a great chat!

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EP115 - Exes Are A BEACH w/Mike Mulderrig

EP115 - Exes Are A BEACH w/Mike Mulderrig

From being on tv, to causing chaos and drama on the interwebs. Today we sit down with our bestie Mike, or MikeMGTV to discuss being on MTV, and his current show “Ex on the Beach”. As well as being sober in the queer community and being a professionally disgraced bartender on the internet~!

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pod, podcast, podcasting, guest Amp pod, podcast, podcasting, guest Amp


Creating sex education online isn't always a fruitful task. What happens when you aren't sure what is "advertiser friendly" and how do we fight sex negative platforms, policies and still create content that is deemed "appropriate"? Today we sit down with Evie Lupine another content creator, youtuber, podcast and educator on the difficulties of creating and trying to exist on the internet.

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