EP109 - Findom, Dom, Dom, Dom!

EP109 - Findom, Dom, Dom, Dom!

Today we talk about a kink some find controversial, while others SPEND a lot of time enjoying. You can bet your bottom DOLLAR today's episode will have our two cents on Findom, Findomming and all that goes into paying it forward!

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105 - How To Be Sex Positive

105 - How To Be Sex Positive

In response to whenever we get critiques or push back for comedy being a part of our education, today we reflect on if we, as sex educators, are sex positive. From making sure we are respectful to still approaching a topic with an educated or educated guess, it's not always easy to get past your own experiences sometimes, but what do you think makes someone sex positive?

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BDSM: Buddies Doing Social Media
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BDSM: Buddies Doing Social Media

We're on the road again and off to teach a class all about BDSM: Buddies Doing Social Media. From adult content to just trying to be an active kinkster online. What are the dos and don't? What hardships have we gone through and how do you get started with a fan account? Tips, tricks and so much more.

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EP97 - ASK A SUB ANYTHING (The Podcast)
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EP97 - ASK A SUB ANYTHING (The Podcast)

You all loved the video and had so many other interesting questions. So this week's pod is a continued conversation of asking a submissive anything! Topping from the bottom, what gets us in the headspace and more!

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Creating sex education online isn't always a fruitful task. What happens when you aren't sure what is "advertiser friendly" and how do we fight sex negative platforms, policies and still create content that is deemed "appropriate"? Today we sit down with Evie Lupine another content creator, youtuber, podcast and educator on the difficulties of creating and trying to exist on the internet.

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EP94 - Agressively Bisexual w/ Blizzb3ar
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EP94 - Agressively Bisexual w/ Blizzb3ar

Today we sit down and talk to another queer creator of the internet, a good friend, Twitch streamer and self proclaimed "aggressive bisexual" Blizzb3ar (Blizzbear)! From video games to dealing with hate raids, today's topic is about why and how representation matters. Join us!

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